Home New York 8 walking routes in New York City
Walks New York

8 walking routes in New York City

by Sabine
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Languages / Talen

New York is a very diverse city: every neighborhood is different. To discover this diversity, you can of course go everywhere by subway or bus, but much more fun is to walk! Now New York is insanely large, but within each neighborhood, walking is the ideal way to see a lot. Last but not least, it is free and thus suitable for a small budget. During our visit in cold February, we did 8 walks and in this way enjoyed to the fullest what New York has to offer. Read on and get inspiration for your New York city trip.

Walking route New York City 1: Lower Manhattan

In gray Lower Manhattan you will find all sorts of interesting buildings and museums. To warm up a bit first, we have a drink at La Colombe, a very nice coffee shop and the starting point of the hiking trail. We continued the hike south, deviating from the route along the way to visit the African Burial Ground museum. Further south begins the Financial District, where we visited the 9-11 memorial and Federal Hall. This route not only gives a good impression of especially the business section, but you will also find several free museums!


Walking route New York City 2: Midtown

Nice Midtown offers some very interesting (and free!) sights. During this walk, we visited both the Grand Central Station as well as the most beautiful library ever: the New York Public Library. We also passed Bryant Park, the Chrysler Building (fun to look inside), the Diamont District, St Patrick’s Cathedral and Rockefeller Center. A feast for the eyes!


Walking route New York City 3: Chinatown

Colorful and chaotic Chinatown really should not be missed while visiting New York. This walk will take you past chess playing Chinese in Columbus Park, the Mahayana Buddhist Temple and chaotic and colorful Canal Street. Also, this place is ideally suited for drinking Taiwanese bubble tea. A hot tea available in various flavors to which large tapioca pearls (made from cassava root) are added. It is particularly strange, but delicious.


Walking route New York City 4: Greenwich Village

Greenwich Village I found to be one of the nicest neighborhoods. The cute streets, beautiful houses, and of course the Washington Square Park. In this district you will also find several locations familiar from movies or series. I was particularly interested in the apartment complex used in Friends. Every episode this building passes by, but never has the cast actually been there. I didn’t expect anyone there, but it was full of tourists. Actually quite bizarre, considering that the last episode was in 2004….


Walking route New York City 5: Upper East Side

From Central Park we walked to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, of which we only viewed the beautiful exterior. Then we walked a bit through the pretty streets toward Bloomingdale’s. Again, something we didn’t want to spend money on, but did want to see. Solution: enjoy coffee and hot chocolate at Bloomingdale’s.


Walking route New York City 6: Brooklyn Heights

Wow, how beautiful Brooklyn Heights is! The beautiful houses with those famous staircases often appear in movies and series, which made us feel like we already knew this part of New York quite well. The colors of the houses, the silence and the boardwalk immediately grabbed us. With beautiful Manhattan in the background and the Statue of Liberty a little farther away, we strolled along the deserted Brooklyn Heights Promenade toward the Brooklyn Bridge. Pure enjoyment!


Walking route New York City 7: South Brooklyn

Also located in Brooklyn, but totally different from Brooklyn Heights, you will find in South Brooklyn in particular a couple of beautiful parks. We start in the small Forest Greene Park, where the squirrels jump around us. In the neighborhood around it, also called Fort Greene, we drink coffee and hot chocolate at a cute little place called Smootch. We continued towards Prospect Park: one of the most beautiful parks in New York. There is hardly anyone to be seen, so we fully enjoy this green oasis in the middle of the city.


Walking route New York City 8: Harlem

By subway we travel from Jersey City at once to Harlem, a neighborhood in northern Manhattan. Here we take a wonderfully scenic walk that takes us next to the Riverside Park and the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine also leads past one of the most famous universities in the United States: Columbia University. And in case you forgot or just haven’t read it yet: the name Columbia has nothing to do with Colombia at all. Click here for more explanation. We decide to plant ourselves like the students do on the steps of this beautiful university to observe people for half an hour. Once we were done looking we continued the route through Morningside Park toward old townhouses. A beautiful walk under the winter sun!


These and more walks, including route maps, points of interest along the way and additional information, can all be found in theLonely Planet New York City. Hiking in New York City: the way to immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle, history and nature of this metropolis! And to save money during a New York city trip.

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